What Are The Top 10 US Workplace Safety Tragedies in 2010?

Nearly 5000 people in the US died in workplace accidents in 2010 and according to the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (COSH), most were preventable. The COSH article then lists the 10 most deadliest tragedies for 2010.

Personally I think having a ‘top 10’ doesn’t sit right. Who decided what was the bigger tragedy amongst the 5000 people killed? Nonetheless, the number 2 ranked accident was a US coal mine explosion which coincidently killed 29 workers – the same number that died in New Zealand’s Pike River coal mine accident. According to the article, ‘The accident represents the worst mining disaster in the U.S. since 1970. Public documents show that the mine’s owner, Massey Energy, has a long record of safety violations at the Upper Big Branch mine.’ The various New Zealand investigations are going to be closely watched and debated…