Safety with a Paint Brush

Safety with a Paint Brush I found an article on OSH in an art class – that’s right, someone wrote about being safe while painting a picture. Now I have to admit upon reading the title I opened it with a mixture of trepidation – was this going to be...

How Management Can Undermine Safety

How Management Can Undermine Safety I read a really good example on, unfortunately, poor safety management. A truck driver cut his head and reported the incident. The safety manager then decided that the best preventative measure was for all truck drivers to wear...

How much is investing in health and safety worth?

How much is investing in health and safety worth? The perennial question, especially from the accountants. What they really want to know is will the investment into safety return anything, or is it a pointless cost. So we need to find some way to measure the cost...

Safety and Hazard Management

Safety and Hazard ManagementOne approach to thinking about safety management is to talk about the control of energy. This can be chemical energy, biological and most often, kinetic energy. That is, energy caused by movement. This category can be further broken down...

Quadbike Safety Update

Quadbike Safety Update   Department of Labour have released a new guide on Quadbike Safety. The quadbike safety steps you need to know are summarised here: ·         Before you ride ask yourself whether the quadbike is the right vehicle for the job ·        ...